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Welcome to Emmanuel Alliance Church’s Kids Zone!

“We will not hide these truths from our children;
we will tell the next generation about the glorious deeds of the Lord,
about his power and his mighty deeds.”
~ Psalms 78:4 (NLT) ~

At EACO, kids from birth to grade six come to discover about God, themselves, and others. We are excited for the privilege of partnering with parents to positively influence the children in our care.

There is always something new we can learn about God. Children learn through songs, games and activities, Bible stories and worship, and we discover that God is so amazing through all stages of life. We hope to encourage children to discover and develop a healthy relationship with God.

At EACO, we are a multi-cultural, and multi-generational community. The joy of ministering to various language groups allows us to be more diverse and integrated; culturally sensitive with each congregation, as those “differences” help children to grow, feel a sense of belonging and to be comfortable with who God made them to be. We hope to encourage children to thrive with the help of a God who made them so unique and special.

Children love to learn. But they also long to “grow in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52). Through Service Projects and ministering to others with the gifts they have been blessed with, and with the guidance of our leaders and parents, and especially the work of the Holy Spirit, children will come to realize the impact the Lord can have in their lives and others. We hope to encourage children to be empowered with confidence in the Lord.

We can be transformed with God’s Word  

One of our priorities is to ensure the safety of our children and volunteers. All our leaders and volunteers are Protection Plan trained and screened to ensure the safety of the children in our care.  

To Register for our Children’s Programs, please complete the Form below. We look forward to ministering to
you and your Children. (