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Emmanuel Youth

Discipling students for life

Weekly Events

NOTE: No weekly events during the summer.

Friday Fellowship

From 7:30 PM to 9:30 PM, Jr High Youth (grade 7-8) and Sr High Youth (grade 9-12) meet in youth rooms, which are located on the second floor.

There are several JH/SH combined events each year. A team of fun-loving and devoted adult volunteers (university age and up) minister to our Youths.

Sunday School

Both the Jr High (grade 7-8) and the Sr High (grade 9-12) Sunday School classes (9:30 AM – 10:45 AM Sunday mornings) meet in the youth room, which is located on the second floor.

Taught by spiritually mature, well experienced, and student-friendly teachers. These classes are welcoming to newcomers. The curriculum being taught is: informative, thought provoking, and applicable to student life. Come and join us!

Bible Quizzing

For students in grades 5-12, Bible Quizzing meets on Sundays from 1:15 PM – 3:00 PM in the Jr High room.

Quizzing is more than jumping fast and earning points. Quizzing changes the life of every teen who chooses to be called a Quizzer. Bible Quizzing believes in the promise that “No Word of God will return empty.”

Contact: eacobq (at)

Contact: Rev. Philip Kim (phil(at)   613-820-6774)