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Crucifixion 十架犧牲 Cantata by John Stainer

We will be hosting a choir presentation at the Simpson Sanctuary on March 23rd at 2pm and admission is free. This presentation aims to commemorate and reflect on God’s mercy and the sacrifice of His beloved Son who died on the cross for our eternal salvation. The choir is composed of members from diverse cultural backgrounds and places. The team in Ottawa, called “Ottawa Praise Ensemble”, will lead the event. You are warmly invited to join us with your family and friends to share in this meaningful choir presentation.

主恩堂將於3月23日(六)與一英語合唱團聯合舉辦一場音樂會,曲目為John Stainer所寫之古典樂章Crucifixion,藉此在復活節前一起思念上主為世人死在十字架上的那份愛和憐憫。音樂會將於下午2時至3時半在教會宣信禮堂舉行,費用全免,歡迎邀請親友參加,一起分享這個別具意義的音樂聚會。(註:英語合唱團乃一來自加國不同省份的基督徒所組成的合唱團,而是次歌詠團主要由『加京讚頌團』 Ottawa Praise Ensemble 和『多市讚頌團』 Toronto Praise Ensemble 的成員組成。)